6 Things to Consider Before You Begin Juicing + Carrot-Apple-Orange Juice Recipe (2024)

Starting a new healthy habit is exciting. And juicing is certainly up there with cool, trendy, healthy habits.But just like beginning any new project, properly starting a juicing regimen requires a reality check.It is imperative that you weigh everything to determine if this is for you.

A juicing reality checkincludes these six elements: time, money, space, motivation, people, and preparation. Let’s examine each one in detail with these six things to consider before you begin juicing.

Timing isimportant

For maximum nutritional benefits, you should make your juice close to the time of consumption. Working from home or staying home with children makes this easier than if you leave for school or work.

If you must leave each morning, you will need to get up earlier or prepare your fruits and greens the night before, and run the juicer in the morning. You can make extra quantities and bring it with you to work or school or gym. But you will want to make sure you have time to clean up the juicing operation before you leave, which can take an extra five to fifteen minutes.

Juicingwill stretch the grocery budget

Besides the cost of a new juicer ($100 to $1500), your grocery budget will be stretched a bit. Even if you are in the habit of buying lots of fresh produce, the sheer volume of apples, kale, and cucumbers you will need may stagger you.

After a while this will even out as your new healthy lifestyle spends less money on packaged foods and other health remedies. I was able to cut out the cost of prescription medications (about $75 per month).

Do you have enough space in your kitchen?

The obvious space consideration is where will the new juicer go? Where will you store it, or will it be one more counter appliance? Mine sits out all of the time on my center island. It took some time to get used to it being there, but keeping it out reminds me to keep juicing.

Less obvious but equally cluttering is where the large amounts of produce will be stored. Some fruits can’t be refrigerated. Foods such as kale, Swiss chard and watermelontake up a lot of space. You’ll definitely want to clean out your fridge before you go shopping. I dedicate one shelf for all of the greens, and one drawer for everything else. I also keep a large bowel on the island for those foods that shouldn’t be refrigerated.

Finally, where do you have room to wash vegetables and fruits and the knives and strainers and cutting boards that go along with juicing? You may need to clear space on your counter tops.

Motivation is key

Why are you considering juicing? Is it part of a well thought-out plan towards a healthier way of life? Has a doctor told you that you are in danger if you don’t change your ways? Are you seeking weight loss, energy, better sleep or more balanced digestion?

Any of the above reasons are terrific, but you owe it to yourself to be quite clear as to why you are starting juicing. You may need to draw upon these reasons when you feel deprived or choose to avoid social events while you are learning to juice. I’m not going to lie. Juicing regularly (especially fasting) is not easy. You will need to draw on every ounce of motivation you can muster.

Will you have support?

Speaking of social events, how will your juicing affect the people around you?

Will you be able to fit juicing in around your family’s mealtimes and kitchen space? If you are the main cook for your family, will you be able to graciously prepare their meals and be satisfied with drinking your own juices? (Idothis, and while it is very possible to balance this part of life, you need to consider your own situation.)

Doyour usual activitiesrequire gatherings that involve meals? Will you be able to bring your juice bottle with you?

Are you prepared?

Should you decide to attempt a longer term juice fast (more than 2-3 days), know that you won’t be able to just jump into that without noticeand be successful. A fast of this magnitude takes preparation — both physical and spiritual — as well as trip to the grocery store. I wrote about this previously, so be sure to click over to Preparing for a Juice Fast to learn everything you need to know to get ready.

This reality check was not meant to dissuade you from juicing! Rather, it is meant to help you plan for things you may have not considered. And it may help you decide to what extent you want to start juicing: breakfast only, replacing one meal a day, or an all-out juice fast.

Tomorrow, I’ll share some tips for how to choose a juicer!

Recipe of the Day

For many people (like me), one sweeter juice a day is a must when juice fasting. Some days, I begin my day with this juice, some days I end with it. But be sure, if I’m fasting, like now, I will have this juice almost every day.

Carrot-Apple-Orange Juice


  • 4 large carrots
  • 2 apples
  • 1 orange
  • 1/2 in piece ofginger
  • 1/2 in piece ofturmeric


  1. Wash all produce well
  2. Peel the orange and core the apples
  3. Add all ingredients through juicer and enjoy(I recommend Breville)

Yield: 20 oz

Find more juicing recipes.

Please know that this is my own personal story and the information I have gathered from my own research and experience. I am not a nutritionist or a doctor (nor do I play either one on TV). If you have any chronic conditions, are under the care of a doctor for any diseases, or take medication, please see your doctor before making changes in your diet or embarking on a juicing fast.

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6 Things to Consider Before You Begin Juicing + Carrot-Apple-Orange Juice Recipe (2024)


What are the benefits of apple orange and carrot juice? ›

This carrot, apple, orange juice allows us to not just boost our vitamin A but also vitamin C, B and K as well as other antioxidants, potassium and folate (1,2).

What does carrot and orange juice do? ›

Orange & Carrot Juice Benefits

Orange juice is high in antioxidants, vitamin C, and potassium. Consuming it on a regular basis has been associated with improved heart health and decreased inflammation. Carrots are also high in antioxidants, beta-carotene, and B-vitamins.

Can I have apple and carrot together? ›

This is an extremely healthy drink I have almost every morning and great on detoxes as you get all your needed nutrients. You just have to play around to find the perfect drink. I find if you add beetroot, it makes it a fantastic color and gives extra flavor.

What can I mix with carrot juice to make it taste better? ›

Not all fruits go well with carrot, so we mostly make this with sweet oranges, Asian pears, lemons, Grapefruit, Tangerines & Calamansi. Citrus fruits, ginger, honey, fresh turmeric root and basil are some of the ingredients you can try to add to this drink.

Is it good to drink carrot and orange juice everyday? ›

Mixing orange and carrot juice can create a delicious and nutritious beverage that provides a variety of vitamins and minerals. Both orange and carrot juice are excellent sources of vitamin C and other antioxidants, which can help support the immune system and protect against cellular damage.

What does drinking carrot juice every day do? ›

The bottom line

Carrot juice is incredibly nutritious, providing potassium, several carotenoids, and vitamins A, C, and K. Drinking this veggie juice may help improve eye health, boost your immune system, and strengthen your skin.

Can I mix carrot and orange together? ›

Mixing orange and carrot juice can create a delicious and nutritious beverage that provides a variety of vitamins and minerals. Both orange and carrot juice are excellent sources of vitamin C and other antioxidants, which can help support the immune system and protect against cellular damage.

How long does it take to see results from drinking carrot juice? ›

Studies have shown that drinking up to 330ml of carrot juice daily for just two weeks can significantly increase the concentration of α-carotene and β-carotene in your body by up to 8.6 and 3.2 times respectively1.

What not to mix carrots with? ›

Also, fruits have more sugar content, something that can hinder the digestive process of vegetables. For the same reason, one shouldn't mix orange with carrot as when taken together, they may cause heartburn and excess bile reflux.

When not to use carrots? ›

How to Tell if Carrots Are Bad. Carrots that have spoiled or gone bad will usually have an odor, a slimy texture, or dark discoloration. They may also be wilted or soft. If you see mold growing on carrots, throw them out.

What are carrots not compatible with? ›

You should NOT plant carrots with DILL, CELERY or other root vegetables like POTATOES and PARSNIPS . Root crops all require high levels of phosphorus in order to thrive and planting root vegetables too closely together will lead to competition and a weaker yield when it comes to harvesting.

Do I peel carrots before juicing? ›

Furthermore, some ingredients like pears, carrots, and ginger have thin skins that the juicer can easily remove without getting clogged. With these facts in mind, you can save time and preparation by juicing your ingredients with the peels on.

Can you drink straight carrot juice? ›

Drinking too much carrot juice can lead to carotenemia, a temporary condition where skin takes on a yellowish tint from too much beta-carotene in the blood. To enjoy the benefits of carrot juice without consuming too much vitamin A or beta-carotene, drink no more than half a glass — or 4 ounces a day.

Is orange and carrot juice good for liver? ›

Vitamin A is essential for liver health, as it helps protect the liver from damage. Carrot juice also helps improve digestion and detoxification. Orange Juice: Oranges are a great source of Vitamin C, which is essential for detoxification.

Is apple and orange a good combination? ›

The combination of these two fruits can create a pleasant contrast of flavors and textures. Oranges are sweet and citrusy, while apples have a crisp, slightly tart taste. The mixture of these fruits can be a delightful and refreshing combination.

What is the nutritional value of carrot and apple juice? ›

Carrot Apple Juice, Regular
  • Saturated Fat 0g 0%
  • Cholesterol 0mg 0%
  • Sodium 200mg 9%
  • Total Carbohydrates 58g 21%
  • Dietary Fiber 3g 11%
  • Sugars 38g.
Sep 10, 2019

Is orange juice and apple juice good together? ›

Apples and oranges can be mixed together to make a sweet, tangy juice. You can easily make juice using a juicer. If you don't have a juicer, you can also make juice with a blender and strainer.


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.