Age of War – Kapitel 4 ist da! Jhebbal Sag ruft! - Conan Exiles (2024)

Seid gegrüßt, Verbannte!

Was für eine Ankündigung. Jhebbal Sag, der Fürst der Bestien, hat zu seiner Heiligen Jagd gerufen. Seid ihr der Herausforderung gewachsen?

Die Heilige Jagd

Erweist euch Jhebbal Sags Aufmerksamkeit als würdig, indem ihr seine Champions herausfordert. Erlebt einen neuen Schauplatz, sammelt viele neue Rezepte wie den Thron von Jhebbal Sag und den Werhyänen-Jäger-Gefährten und erhaltet Einblicke in das Wesen von Göttern.

Age of War – Kapitel 4 ist da! Jhebbal Sag ruft! - Conan Exiles (1)


Die Todesstöße aus Age of Conan feiern ihre ruhmreiche Rückkehr! Erschlagt eure Gegner mit barbarischen Finisher-Animationen, die einen Schadensbuff gewähren. Jeder Nahkampfwaffen-Typ hat eine einzigartige Animation. Senkt de Gesundheit eures Gegners auf null, um ihn zu betäuben und gebt ihm dann unerbittlich den Rest. Todesstöße funktionieren nur bei menschlichen NPCs.

Age of War – Kapitel 4 ist da! Jhebbal Sag ruft! - Conan Exiles (2)

Erweiterte Säuberungen

Stellt euch in Säuberungen neuen Angreifern wie Dieben, Golems, dem stygischen Champion, seinen Wachen und einem Meteoriten beschwörenden Magier. Ein gut gezielter Schuss mit der neuen defensiven Balliste macht mit jedem Gegner kurzen Prozess … sofern ihr ihn trefft.

Inventar- und Getreuen-Verbesserungen

In Kapitel 4 haben wir umfassende Verbesserungen an der Getreuen-UI und dem Radialmenü vorgenommen, was die Verwendung von Tastatur und Controller deutlich vereinfacht. Außerdem haben wir die Filter- und Sortierfunktion im Inventarbildschirm verbessert und weitere Änderungen vorgenommen.

Age of War – Kapitel 4 ist da! Jhebbal Sag ruft! - Conan Exiles (4)


Erzielt Battle-Pass-Fortschritte mit fast allen Aktionen, die EP gewähren (beispielsweise Kills, das Sammeln von Materialien und die Herstellung). Die Zahl der Herausforderungen wurde reduziert, aber sie gewähren mehr EP und bestehen aus mehr Schritten, um packendere Quests zu schaffen.

Kapitel 4 Battle Pass & Basar

Die bezahlten kosmetischen Battle-Pass- und Basar-Objekte für Kapitel 4 heben die ohnehin schon breite Palette von Dekorationen, Ausrüstung, Gebäudesets und mehr auf ein neues Niveau.

Baut ein Labyrinth aus feuchten, gewundenen Gängen und errichtet unheilvolle Burgen mit dem erweiterten Vergessener-Dungeon-Set. Reitet mit der fabelhaften schweren poitainischen Plattenrüstung und dem aus Rüstung, Lanze, Schild, Schabracke, Banner, Lanzenständer und Emblem bestehenden Tjostset zum Ruhm.

Age of War – Kapitel 4 ist da! Jhebbal Sag ruft! - Conan Exiles (5)

Es wird Zeit, auf die Heilige Jagd aufzubrechen! In der Nacht lauern Jäger auf ihre Beute. Findet heraus, auf welcher Seite ihr steht.

Wir wissen euer Feedback immer zu schätzen, also meldet uns Bugs und sagt uns eure Meinung.

Das ist das letzte Kapitel in Age of War. Welches Zeitalter kommt wohl als Nächstes? Lasst es uns wissen und folgt uns aufX (vormals Twitter),FacebookundInstagram, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.

Töten und überleben, Verbannte

Age of War – Kapitel 4 ist da! Jhebbal Sag ruft! - Conan Exiles (6)

Beachtet bitte, dass wir zwar immer vollständige Patch-Notizen veröffentlichen, sie aber nicht übersetzen.


“The Sacred Hunt” Limited-Time Event

  • Underneath the blood-soaked wilds stirs a primal force, a calling of the hunt. Be you predator or prey, Exile? Rejoice, for both are sacred!


  • Chance for enemy humanoids to go into a “Dazed State” upon death strike
  • Once dazed, the player can perform a fatality if facing the front of the dazed enemy and attacking using a melee weapon
  • Performing a fatality adds a buff that stacks

Follower Overhaul

  • Control over follower behavior has been removed from the follower radial and replaced with a new menu in the follower’s inventory panel
  • Follower Command Radial has been reworked for ease of input, it now makes selections on release rather than requiring a second click/button tap
  • New „Flee“ command will instruct your followers to run from combat and regroup with you
  • New „Wait/Defend Here“ command will instruct your followers to stand in the indicated location until instructed otherwise. Aggressive and Defensive followers will fight to defend the location while Passive and Pacifist followers (such as mounts) will avoid combat while staying near the location.
  • „Attack“ and „Return“ commands have been reworked to be more reliable when the follower is already in combat
  • „Stop“ command has been removed

Destructible Camps in Siptah

  • Small camps that are destructible at X’Chotl and New Luxur in Siptah
  • Enemies do not respawn until base reset
  • Base reset occurs on timer if no one is nearby as well as after the boss is defeated and all players leave the vicinity

New Purge Encounters

  • Thieves, Champions, Golems, Starcaller
    • These encounters are aimed at higher difficulty purges and offer the purge new ways to counter your defenses. Good luck!
  • Purges above difficulty 9 no longer have Prisoner waves

New Buildable Siege Weapon – the Ballista!

  • Ballista is unlocked via the knowledge menu tab at level 30
  • Built on a Siege Weapon Base, which is built on top of a Siege Foundation. The Siege Weapon Base can then be upgraded into either the Trebuchet, or the Ballista
  • Interact with the front of the Ballista to open its inventory, and the back (where the cranks are) to operate it.
    • Hold down secondary/heavy attack to charge up the ballista
    • Fire with primary attack
  • Ballista ammunition is crafted inside the Ballista
  • Two different kinds of ammunition, each with 3 tiers: Bolts and Balls.
    • Bolts are excellent against living targets, and have a particular effectiveness against avatars
    • Balls deal good point-based siege damage
  • Ammunition can be selected in the Ballista’s inventory, just like the Trebuchet

The Bazaar

The Bazaar is receiving new offerings in Chapter 4, including a Poitain Jousting item set, an expansion for the Lost Dungeon building set, and a soothing Yamataionsen placeable set. Additionally, more favorites from across the previous Chapters and Age are returning in special bundles!

Battle Pass

Age of War Chapter 4 Battle Pass will let you build a complete Zingarian Mercenary camp, including perimeter walls & gate, soldier & captain tents and armor, and other, diverse placeables. In addition, Battle Pass experience progression has received a major update in addition to some changes to Challenges. Read below for more:

Battle Pass Progression

As part of this update, Battle Pass progression has undergone significant changes. Most notably, the primary method of progressing your Battle Pass has shifted from Challenges into actions you would perform through just playing normally.

  • In-game actions that award Battle Pass XP:
    • Killing Enemies
    • Crafting items

      (not from your inventory!)

    • Harvesting Resources
  • Changes to Challenges
    • Completed Challenges award significantly more Battle Pass XP than before, but will also have more difficult or involved requirements
    • Challenges now reset weekly instead of daily so you have more time to complete them


Twitch Drops

Watch your favorite content creators on Twitch to claim free rewards!

  • War Paint – Red Slashes: April 2nd – April 16th
  • Blood Crystal Chakram: April 30th – May 14th
  • Gilded Oil Lamp: May 28th – June 11th

Quality of Life

Inventory Management Overhaul

We’ve been hard at work making the inventory and inventory management a better experience for all Exiles. Here are some of the changes:

  • 13 unique item filters which you can use to sort and organize your inventory by, based on associated item tags and identifiers

Quick Stack and Quick Split

  • Quick Stack: Interacting with a container will now display a button to grab/offload all matching item types in the container and your inventory.

    • Pressing the button a second time will place all/grab all non-matching items as well
  • Quick Split: Right Click/Right-Bumper will now instantly split half of the selected stack of items into a new separate stack

    • Repeated uses will split the original stack further into the new stack
  • Updated Inventory action button layout:

    • Buttons at the bottom of the inventory will now always be in the same location
    • Buttons will no longer be hidden in a sub-menu

Dye Changes

  • The dye functionality has been moved to the dyer’s bench, with a new inventory slot where you place your armor and then press the “dye” button to open up the available options.
  • Added several new icons
  • Cleaned up the interface of several windows
  • Introduced more visual consistency between crafting and inventory windows
  • Added new default keybindings:
    • Select: A / No keyboard binding
    • Back: B
    • Use/Equip: X / F
    • Split: RB / Right click
    • Give: RT / R
    • Give all/take all/quick stack/restock: LT / Q
    • Info: A (long press) / no keyboard binding
    • Drop: Y / Space
    • Start crafting station: LT (long press)
    • Cycle sort: R3


  • Added ‚Auto face forward on attack‘ toggle under the Gameplay tab in Settings. Turning this option on automatically makes your character turn where your camera is facing while attacking.
    • This option is turned OFF by default.
  • Stamina now begins regenerating 1 second after consuming or exhausting your supply (from 0.1 seconds)

Fixes and Tweaks


  • Fixed a crash in the Black Galleon on Single Player for lower-spec PCs
  • Fixed an issue causing hunting-chests to have unintended loot
  • Fixed an issue prevent hatch-frames from being placed next to wedge ceiling pieces
  • Fixed an issue which allowed characters to use tools on nodes that are intended to be picked up by hand
    • Exception: Sickles can still be used on bushes
  • Fixed an issue which would teleport players inside of the Wolf Cave outside
  • NPCs at Mek-Kamoses‘ spire will no longer stop spawning due to nearby landclaim
  • Siege foundations now follow overlapping rules better, and cannot be placed halfway into other building pieces
  • The White Tiger and nearby NPCs can now properly navigate their terrain
  • Fish Traps and Shellfish Traps have had their bait values adjusted to properly reflect their chances of catching specific fish with a given bait type
  • The cheer emote is now usable in the radial wheel after learning it
  • Characters will no longer hold dual axes incorrectly when in the relaxed combat pose.
  • Players may now target-lock limbs of Apes, Rocknose Kings, and the Kryllandian
  • The Scorpion Queen now has a 100% drop rate for a Scorpion egg sack
  • Tinkerer Journey step text has been updated to correctly identify the “Apprentice Armorsmith Knowledge” as the required knowledge to progress the journey
  • The last step of the Thrall Taker’s Journey will now properly complete when placing a thrall from the bench’s inventory
  • Fixed an issue where some epic weapons did not trigger the „Craft an Epic Weapon“ Warsmith journey step
  • Finding a language dictionary will no longer notify the player that they have found a relic fragment
  • Repainted several transparent stones at the Mounds of the Dead
  • Adjusted collision detection for fish trophies so that they cannot be placed in unintended locations
  • It is now possible to dye all of the armor pieces from the Champion’s armor set
  • Craft and Craft-All no longer share a default key binding
  • Stormglass pieces no longer have rain pass through them
  • Thralls placed too close to one another no longer struggle to find their home-location after a fight
  • Several Avatars on Xbox have had their Potion of Invisibility revoked, and are now visible as intended
  • Items behind the Aesir wall can no longer be plundered from the outside
  • Dying in the Kurak dungeon no longer prevents the player’s corpse from being summoned
  • Followers now receive XP when killing an enemy with weapons that have the Execution effect
  • Isscar the Sellsword will now properly despawn (after 10 minutes) when freed from his cage in the Purge
    • He will also realize that he has been freed, and stop asking to be let out of a cage he is no longer trapped in
  • Hyborian Fighters in the Well of Skelos will no longer fight the Serpent mini-boss in the same area
  • Removed floating flooring at Muriela’s Hope
  • Conan can no longer be target-locked, as he is ~~too~~ exactlyas powerful as he should be

Items and Equipment

  • Adjusted placement of several items in the Construction Hammer menus
  • Updated build menu nomenclature:
  • ‚War Torn‘ item descriptions and notations received a consistency pass
  • ‚Beds‘ building category renamed to ‚Bedroom‘
  • ‚Shelves‘ category renamed to ‚Cabinets and Shelves‘
  • Yamatai Floor Pillow is now a proper seat you can interact with! This also means they are now valid spots for tavern patrons and followers to sit.
  • Freebooter Feline now grants Sorcerous Pet Food knowledge
  • Zamorian Dais clips less with crafting stations, building, and decoration pieces
  • Vendhya Treasure Cag is easier to place
  • Relic Hunter Pick is no longer missing its colored border
  • Forlorn Crypt Spiral Staircases are easier to rotate on foundation pieces
  • Floor Pillows can no longer be stacked
  • Zamorian Canopy no longer clips with crafting stations, building, and decoration pieces and with itself
  • The King Below will once again drop the Diadem of Kings
  • The Sword of Crom now properly deals damage to all enemy types, even when held by Thralls.
    • Weapon stats have been adjusted as a result
  • Eldarium Cache and Bag of Essences now have updated icons
  • Camel Mount and Camel Saddles no longer mention horses in their long descriptions
  • Adjusted HP value of the Forlorn Crypt Iron Doorframe
  • The Training Dummy can now be spawned from the admin panel
  • Corrected a spelling error in Unholy Communion Armor #spelchekr
  • Updated the placement of several weapons in Weapon Display Racks
  • Spears with the Sweeping property can now be used while mounted
  • Re-positioned Thrall placement for the Improved Stove to prevent clipping
  • The Wine Cellar boss Thag now correctly drops Khari Steel
  • Nemedian Peasant and Decadence sets have had their crafting requirements updated to match other cloth-based sets
  • Characters can no longer enter a stance from a mysterious land and era after interacting with Smart Objects (i.e. chairs, emplacements). What depraved sorcery is this ‚rootin and tootin‘?
  • Purified Water no longer indicates that it has durability
  • Fixed a typo with the Potion of Invisibility
  • Rolling with a drawn bow will no longer result in the bowstring remaining stuck in the drawn state
  • Fixed an issue where several armor sets could not be delved
  • Heroic Treasures can once again be placed near coffers
  • Fixed missing audio on spears‘ heavy third attack
Age of War – Kapitel 4 ist da! Jhebbal Sag ruft! - Conan Exiles (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Views: 6540

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.