Bible Gateway passage: Psalm 119 - The Voice (2024)

Psalm 119[a]

Psalm 119 is the longest psalm in the collection. It is a hymn in praise of and appreciation for God’s instructions to His people. You see, God not only called Israel to be His people and gave them a wonderful land, but He gave them a blueprint for living. The Hebrew word for that is torah, sometimes translated “law” or “teachings.” In torah God tells them how to structure their lives and communities so that they will live long, prosperous lives in the land He has given them. As you read through the psalm, you will notice words like law, teachings, precepts, word, decrees, and commands. Each of these words is a synonym highlighting some attribute of God’s instructions to His people.

Another memorable feature of this psalm is its form. The psalmist constructs this hymn as an elaborate acrostic poem that moves artfully through each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Essentially, all the elements of this psalm combine to emphasize the importance of God’s Word to His people, to the praise and glory of the one True God.


1Happy are the people who walk with integrity,
who live according to the teachings of the Eternal.
2Happy are the people who keep His decrees,
who pursue Him wholeheartedly.
3These are people who do nothing wrong;
they do what it takes to follow His ways.
4You have given us Your precepts
so we would be careful about keeping them.
5Oh, that every part of my life would remain in line
with what You require!
6Then I would feel no shame
when I fix my eyes upon Your commands.
7With a pure heart, I will give thanks to You
when I hear about Your just and fair rulings.
8I will live within Your limits;
do not abandon me completely!


9How can a young person remain pure?
Only by living according to Your word.
10I have pursued You with my whole heart;
do not let me stray from Your commands.
11Deep within me I have hidden Your word
so that I will never sin against You.
12You are blessed, O Eternal One;
instruct me in what You require.
13My lips have told how
You have delivered all Your wise rulings.
14I have celebrated Your testimonies
as though rejoicing over an immeasurable fortune.
15I will fix my mind on Your instructions
and my eyes on Your path.
16I will find joy in Your ordinances;
I will remember Your word forever.


17Treat Your servant well, Lord,
so that I may live and remain faithful to Your word.
18Let me see clearly so that I may take in
the amazing things coming from Your law.
19I am a sojourner in the world;
do not keep Your commands hidden from me.
20My soul aches from craving
Your wise rulings day and night.
21You rebuke those who are proud,
and those who stray from Your commands are cursed.
22Free me from the contempt and disdain of others
because I keep Your decrees.
23Even though powerful princes conspire against me,
I fix my mind on what You require.
24Yes, Your testimonies are my joy;
they are like the friends I seek for counsel.


25My very being clings to the dust;
preserve my life, in keeping with Your word.
26I have admitted my ways are wrong, and You responded;
now help me learn what You require.
27Compel me to grasp the way of Your statutes
so I will fix my mind on Your wonderful works.
28My soul weeps, and trouble weighs me down;
give me strength so I can stand according to Your word.
29Eliminate faithlessness You find in my step,
be gracious, and give me Your guidance.
30I have decided to take the path of faith;
I have focused my eyes on Your regulations.
31I cling to Your decrees; O Eternal One,
do not let me face disgrace!
32I will chase after Your commandments
because You will expand my understanding.


33O Eternal One, show me how to live according to Your statutes,
and I will keep them always.
34Grant me understanding so that I can keep Your law
and keep it wholeheartedly.
35Guide me to walk in the way You commanded
because I take joy in it.
36Turn my head and my heart to Your decrees
and not to sinful gain.
37Keep my eyes from gazing upon worthless things,
and give me true life according to Your plans.
38Verify Your word to Your servant,
which will lead me to worship You.
39Take away the scorn that I dread
because Your actions are just and good.
40Look and see—I long for Your guidance;
restore me in Your righteousness.


41May Your unfailing love find me, O Eternal One.
Keep Your promise, and save me;
42When that happens, I will have a good response for anyone who taunts me
because I have faith in Your word.
43Do not take Your message of truth from my mouth
because I wait and rely on Your just decisions.
44Therefore I will follow Your teachings,
forever and ever.
45And I will live a life of freedom
because I pursue Your precepts.
46I will even testify of Your decrees before royalty
and will not be humiliated.
47I will find my joy in Your commands,
which I love,
48And I will raise my hands to Your commands, which I love,
and I will fix my mind on what You require.


49Do not forget Your promise to Your servant;
through it You have given me hope.
50This brings me solace in the midst of my troubles:
that Your word has revived me.
51Those who are proud cruelly ridicule me,
but I keep to the steady path of Your teachings.
52I have considered Your ancient rulings, O Eternal One,
and their memory brings me comfort.
53Burning anger rises in me, has me in its grip
because the unrighteous abandon Your teachings.
54As I journey through this life,
Your statutes are my song.
55O Eternal One, through the night, I stop to recall Your name.
That’s how I live according to Your teachings.
56This has become my practice:
to keep Your ordinances.


57The Eternal One is mine. He’s all I need.
I have promised to keep Your words.
58I sought Your blessing wholeheartedly.
Show grace to me as You promised.
59I carefully charted out my paths
to align my steps with Your decrees.
60I did not procrastinate and hurried
to follow Your commands.
61The wicked have entangled me in their nets,
but I have not forgotten Your teaching.
62In the middle of the night, I wake to thank You
because Your rulings are just and right.
63I am a friend of anyone who fears You
and of those who follow Your precepts.
64The earth is filled with Your unfailing love, O Eternal One;
teach me to observe what You require.


65You have handled Your servant well,
O Eternal One, as You promised.
66Help me to learn good judgment and knowledge
because I believe Your commandments.
67Before I had trouble, I strayed from the true path, the path of righteousness,
but now I live according to Your word.
68You are truly good, and Your acts are too;
teach me what You require.
69The proud smear me with their lies;
I will keep Your instructions wholeheartedly.
70Their hearts are dull and callous;
I am delighted to study Your teaching.
71It is a good thing that I was humbled
because it helped me learn Your limits.
72Your teachings are more valuable to me
than a fortune in gold and silver.


73Your strong hands formed me and established me;
give me understanding so I can learn Your commands.
74Let those who fear You see me and rejoice
because I hope in Your word.
75I know, O Eternal One, Your rulings are right,
and when You humbled me, You did so out of faithfulness.
76Now let Your unfailing love be my comfort,
in keeping with Your promise to Your servant.
77Shower me with Your compassion so that I may live
because I find great joy in Your law.
78Let the proud be humiliated,
for they sabotage me with a lie;
still I will fix my mind on Your directives.
79Let those who fear You and know Your testimonies
come back and find me.
80Let my heart be whole, my record according to what You require
so that I will not be humiliated.


81My soul is exhausted awaiting Your rescue
yet I keep hoping in Your word.
82My eyes are strained as I look for what You promised,
saying, “When will You come to comfort me?”
83Even though I have shriveled up like a wineskin left in the smoke,
I still remember what You require.
84How long must Your servant wait?
When will You carry out justice and punish those who persecute me?
85Those proud souls do not live according to Your commands,
and they have dug pits to entrap me.
86Indeed, all Your commands are trustworthy,
but my enemies have harassed me with their lies; help me!
87They have nearly ended my life on earth,
but as for me, I never abandoned Your statutes.
88According to Your unfailing love, spare my life
so that I can live according to the decrees of Your mouth.


89Forever, O Eternal One,
Your word stands in heaven, firm and resolute.
90Your faithfulness endures to every generation;
You founded the earth, and it remains.
91Everything remains today in keeping with Your laws,
for all things exist to serve You.
92If I had not found joy in Your guidance,
then I would have died from my misery.
93I will never forget Your precepts,
for through them You have given me life.
94I belong to You, Lord; save me
because I have taken care to live by Your principles.
95The wicked lie in wait, anxious to kill me;
I will set my mind on Your statutes.
96I have seen the limit of all perfection,
but Your commands are all-encompassing.


97Oh, how I love Your law!
I fix my mind on it all day long.
98Your commands make me wiser than my enemies
because they are always with me.
99I have more discernment than all my teachers
because I study and meditate on Your testimonies.
100I comprehend more than those who are my elders
because I have kept Your precepts.
101I have kept my feet from walking the paths of evil
so that I may live according to Your word.
102I have not neglected Your lessons,
for You, God, have been my teacher.
103Your words are sweet to my taste!
Yes, they are sweeter than honey in my mouth!
104I gain understanding from Your instructions;
that’s why I hate every deceitful path.


105Your word is a lamp for my steps;
it lights the path before me.
106I have taken an oath and confirmed it:
I pledge to do what You say is right and just.
107I have suffered terribly, O Eternal One;
give me the life You promised.
108Please accept the words I offer willingly, O Eternal One,
and instruct me in the ways of Your justice.
109My soul is continually in danger,
but I do not forget Your teachings.
110The wicked have laid a trap for me,
but I have not drifted away from Your instructions.
111Your decrees are forever mine,
for they bring joy to my life.
112I have committed myself to do what You require
forever and ever, to the very end.


113I despise those who waver back and forth,
but I love Your teachings.
114You are my hiding place and my shield of protection;
I hope in Your word.
115Away from me, reprobates!
I am committed to observing the commands of my God.
116Support me in keeping with Your promise, O God, so that I may live;
do not let my hope turn into shame.
117Help me so that I will be safe,
and I will respect Your laws continually.
118You have rejected all those who stray from Your commands
because their fraudulent lifestyles are cunning and empty.
119You have discarded all the wicked from the land, skimmed them off like dross;
that’s why I love Your testimonies.
120My body shakes because of my fear of You,
and I am in awe of Your wise rulings.


121I have lived with fairness and integrity;
do not leave me at the mercy of my tormenters.
122Provide security and protection for Your servant’s welfare;
do not let the proud oppress me.
123My eyes are strained as I look for Your salvation
and for Your righteous promise to be fulfilled.
124Treat Your servant in a manner that shows Your unfailing love,
and help me to learn Your decrees.
125I am Your servant; impart to me understanding
so that I may fully grasp the depths of Your statutes.
126It is time for the Eternal to step in and do something
because some have broken Your law.
127Indeed, I love Your commands
more than gold, even more than the highest quality gold.
128It’s true that I regard all Your guidance to be correct and good;
I despise every deceptive path.


129Your decrees inspire wonder;
because of that, my soul desires to keep them.
130When Your words are unveiled, light shines forth;
they bring understanding to the simple.
131My desire for Your commands
left me waiting, open-mouthed and panting.
132Acknowledge me and show me Your grace
as is Your habit toward all those who love Your name.
133Guide my steps in the ways of Your word,
and do not let any sin control me.
134Rescue me from the torment of my human oppressors
so that I may live according Your decrees.
135Let Your face shine upon Your servant,
and help me to learn what You require.
136My eyes shed rivers of tears
whenever people fail to keep Your teaching.


137You are good and just, O Eternal One,
and Your rulings are right.
138You have set out Your decrees in justice,
and they can be trusted.
139I am overwhelmed by my passion
because my enemies have forgotten Your words.
140Your promise is tested and true;
that’s why Your servant loves it.
141I may be insignificant to some and hated by others,
but at least I do not forget Your precepts.
142Your righteousness will last forever,
and Your law is truth.
143Trouble and distress have overtaken me,
but Your commandments bring me great joy.
144Your decrees are right and true forever;
grant me understanding so that I may live.


145I called to You wholeheartedly: “Answer me, O Eternal One!”
I will respect, I will follow Your statutes.
146I cried out to You: “Rescue me,
and I will live according to Your decrees.”
147I wake before the dawn and call for help;
I hope in Your words.
148My eyes do not shut before each watch of the night
so that I can fix my mind on Your word.
149Listen to my voice, in keeping with Your unfailing love.
Preserve my life, O Eternal One, according to Your just rulings.
150Those who wish me harm are moving closer to me;
they are far away from Your teaching.
151But You are near me, O Eternal One,
and all You have commanded is true.
152I learned a long time ago
that You established Your decrees to last forever.


153Give attention to my misery and rescue me
because I have not forgotten Your teaching.
154Fight for me, and set me free;
give me life in keeping with Your promise.
155Salvation is far from the wicked
because they do not live in pursuit of Your precepts.
156Your mercies are tender and great, O Eternal One;
grant me life in keeping with Your ordinances.
157I have many oppressors and foes;
still I do not swerve from Your decrees.
158I observe the faithless and detest them
because they turn away from Your word.
159Reflect, O God, on how I love Your precepts;
give me life, O Eternal One, in keeping with Your unfailing love.
160The entirety of Your word is truth,
and every one of Your right rulings will surely last forever.


161Princes persecute me without reason,
but my heart remains true and is awed by Your words.
162I celebrate because of Your promise,
like someone who discovers great treasure.
163I despise and abhor lies,
but I love Your law.
164Seven times every day I praise You
because of Your right rulings.
165Those who love Your law have an abundance of peace,
and nothing along their paths can cause them to stumble.
166I wait for Your salvation, O Eternal One,
and I live out Your commands.
167My soul is faithful to Your decrees,
and my love for them is extraordinary.
168I live according to Your precepts and decrees
because everything I do is right before Your eyes.


169Let my cry come before You, O Eternal One.
Grant me understanding in keeping with Your word.
170Let my plea come before You;
liberate me in keeping with Your word.
171Praise will pour from my lips
because You help me learn what You require.
172My tongue will sing of Your word
because every command of Yours is right.
173Let Your hand be poised to help me
because I have chosen to live by Your precepts.
174I long for Your salvation, O Eternal One.
Meanwhile, Your teaching brings me great joy.
175Let my soul live on so that I may praise You,
and let Your precepts guide me.
176I have wandered down the wrong path like a lost sheep; come find me, Your servant,
because I do not forget Your commands.


  1. Psalm 119 A Hebrew acrostic poem
Bible Gateway passage: Psalm 119 - The Voice (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.