Last updated on Jun 27, 2024 at 20:50by Ellunavi9 comments
On this page, we go over some of the most frequently asked questions regardingReaper and playing it in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail (Patch 7.00). As more questionsare discovered, we will add answers to them on this page.
How do I use Perfectio?
Perfectio is a bit complicated to access. The chain starts with Plentiful Harvestwhich grants you a buff called "Perfectio Occulta". You then have 30 seconds to cast Communio (through Enshroud)which turns "Perfectio Occulta" into "Perfectio Parata" and will allow you to cast Perfectio.
When do I use Perfectio?
Perfectio has three main uses and should always be used before the buff runs out. The first major one isduring buff windows where it is our strongest hitting weaponskill. The second is to avoid casting Harpe due to melee downtime,this requires extensive fight knowledge. The last is saving it for multi-target cleave, this again requiressome knowledge of the fight since you don't want to lose a usage.
When do I use Sacrificium?
For the most part, you can use Sacrificium after any of the first three Reapings,ensuring that you use both of your Lemure's Slice. For burst windows, you will want to followwhat is shown in the rotation guide as the purpose is to catch early/lates buffs more consistently.
Why do people say Reaper is resource negative?
Because it is true but it also isn't always a big deal. With theaddition of Perfectio and the weird 8.5s Enshroud window, Reaperloses 20 Soul every two minutes. Which will be visible whenever you enter your burst window.We start 50 Soul ahead because of a banked Soul Slice charge and our pre-cast Harpe.Because of this at around the 10 minute mark ina full uptime fight, we will be unable to do a standard burst window without holding onto an enshroud for over a minute.At the 8 minute mark you will also be unableto do a standard burst window if you lose 2 GCDs through either downtime of melee Limit Break. How big of an issuethis is will really depends on how fights in Dawntrail play out.
Why Do My Reavers Keep Dropping?
Whenever you obtain a Reaver, your next weaponskill must be one that spends aReaver ( Gibbet, Gallows, and Guillotine). Using any other weaponskill will immediatelycancel the Reaver buff. The same applies to Executioner's granted by Gluttony.
Why Does Gluttony Keep Drifting?
Reaper has an odd-timed rotation so Gluttony will not alwaysneatly fit into the same off-GCD slot. It drifts a little bit every minute.
3+ Targets is when you want to start doing AoE weaponskills and abilities.
Do You Do Anything Special on Two Targets?
If you are about to enter a burst window then you will want to Whorl of Death to apply Death's Design to both targets as thebonus from your cleave abilities will make it worth it.
When Do I Use a Strength Potion?
The answer is fight-dependent, but ideally you use it on your first two-minuteburst. If you think you will lose a usage by delaying it that long then youshould use it in the opener.
When Do I Use Harvest Moon?
You will want to use Harvest Moon when you have to disconnectfrom the boss for a GCD or more. You can also use it in a raid fight to hit 2or more targets. Lastly, you can use it to help fix your combo so you enter aburst window with no combo running.
Why Does the Opener Start With Harpe?
Because Harpe has a cast time and it takes some time to runto the boss, you can precast Harpe at 2 seconds and it will essentially befree damage. This also provides about 10 Soul gauge at the start of the fight which is a big boon.
How Do I Get Immortal Sacrifices?
When you use Arcane Circle you and your party will receive onestack of a buff called “Ceremony Circle” and you will receive a buff called“Bloodsown Circle”. Whenever someone uses a damaging spell or weaponskillwhile under the effects of Ceremony Circle the stack will be consumed and itwill give the Reaper one stack of Immortal Sacrifices. You cannot use Plentiful Harvest until Bloodsown Circle has worn off, whichmeans you only use it once for every cast of Arcane Circle.
- 27 Jun. 2024: Updated for Patch 7.00.
- 19 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for 6.55.
- 14 Oct. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.5.
- 27 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 6.4.
- 11 Jan. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.3
- 20 Apr. 2022: Updated for Patch 6.1
- 02 Dec. 2021: Guide added.
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