What is Quinoa? The Health Benefits and Recipes (2024)

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Jessica Gavin
April 3, 2020


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Pronounced “keen-wah,” this protein-packed grain contains every amino acid and is a great source of lysine, which promotes healthy tissue growth throughout the body. Quinoa also contains iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, and fiber. However, this Ancient Grain isn’t a grain at all.

What is Quinoa? The Health Benefits and Recipes (2)

The world’s latest favorite grain isn’t actually a grain: quinoa is a seed! Chenopodium quinoa is officially classified as a pseudocereal. I love quinoa for its ease and versatility: it’s ready in a snap and has virtually limitless applications.

In particular, it’s an ideal stand-in for wherever there would previously be another type of grain. Salads, pilafs, scrambles, casseroles, risottos, soups and pasta dishes are all fair game for this noble seed.

Originally from the Andes mountain range in South America, quinoa was called the “gold of the Incas.” It has a nutty, grain-like flavor and an absorbent texture, which gives it its versatility as something that can be used as a grain stand-in.

What is Quinoa? The Health Benefits and Recipes (3)

Nutritional Benefits of Quinoa

Quinoa is a superfood! This seed packs a protein punch at 14 to 15% by weight of the dry seeds. What makes it special is that it contains the essential amino acid lysine, which is not found in other cereal grains like wheat or rice. This means quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. This is great for those on all-plant diets as a good quality protein source. It’s also gluten-free, cholesterol-free, kosher and mostly organic.

Clocking in at only 2% fat, the composition is made up of 90% mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, a majority from the healthy essential omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acid linolenic acid with benefits like heart and brain health. Quinoa is high in calcium, all the B vitamins especially riboflavin, and a good source of iron. Calorically, it’s about 222 calories per cup, putting it in the range of brown rice.

How Does Quinoa Taste?

Incredibly, there are about 120 varieties of quinoa, but most of what you’re likely to cook with is white (golden), red or black. Overall, they are largely the same, cooked in the same manner and taste similar (nutty, earthy with a hint of bitterness), but there are some subtle differences.

  • White quinoa is the mildest and the least crunchy.
  • Red is slightly crunchier, may take a little more time to cook and has a bit stronger flavor.
  • Black quinoa takes the longest to cook and has the strongest flavor of the three–the nuttiest of all, some might say.

What is Quinoa? The Health Benefits and Recipes (4)

Cooking Quinoa

Another benefit to cooking with quinoa is that it’s incredibly easy to work with, often cooking faster than rice does and uses the same technique; the simmering method. Here are some helpful cooking tips:

  • Soak and Rinse:Not soaking or rinsing can leave a mild toxin on the seed, which can sometimes lead to an upset stomach in humans.It also leaves a bitter taste from a natural coating on the grain called saponin. Even if the quinoa is prewashed, it’s good to rinse it.
  • Simmer Method:Cooking quinoa uses the simmering method; bringing the cooking liquid to a boil, covering and then simmering the quinoa until the seeds are tender. Once finished, you can then chill it, serve hot, or lightly cook in another dish.
  • Toasting: After rinsing the quinoa it can be toasted in 1 to 2 tablespoons of oil before simmering to bring out a little bit of the bitterness and nutty flavor of the seed.
  • Yield: If you are trying to plan servings, raw quinoa cooks to 3 times its size. One cup of dried quinoa will yield about 3 cups cooked.

Popular on Amazon

Here are a few of the most popular Quinoa products listed on Amazon.com

What is Quinoa? The Health Benefits and Recipes (5)

  1. Kirkland Signature Organic Quinoa
  2. truRoots Organic Quinoa
  3. Nature’s Earthly Choice Organic Quinoa
  4. Viva Naturals Organic Quinoa

Recipes to try

  • Quinoa Tabbouleh
  • Quinoa Black Bean Burger
  • Mexican-Spiced Vegetable Quinoa

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What is Quinoa? The Health Benefits and Recipes (6)

Jessica Gavin

I'm a culinary school graduate, cookbook author, and a mom who loves croissants! My passion is creating recipes and sharing the science behind cooking to help you gain confidence in the kitchen.

What is Quinoa? The Health Benefits and Recipes (7)

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15 Comments Leave a comment or review

  1. James Tonneson says

    Thanks Jessica. I really learn a lot from you.


    • Jessica Gavin says

      That’s so great to hear James! Thank you for taking the time to read the post 🙂


      • aman khatri says

        hello mam that’s is great advice


  2. Linda says

    Very informative, I have printed and saved for reference. I love your educational posts, so helpful when cooking items I am not used to. Thank you for taking the time to educate us!


    • Jessica Gavin says

      Thank you so much Linda for taking the time to read the article. I love helping my readers in the kitchen any way I can!


  3. Ramona Ingrassia says

    Your recipes are the best, Jessica. Also lots of great info. Thanks so much for your blog and all the time and effort you put forth.


    • Jessica Gavin says

      Aww thank you so much Ramona, you made my day! Readers like you keep me motivated to create and share 🙂


  4. carole says

    The problem I have with quinoa is the # of mins to cook….they cook quickly and start to look like “little ringworms” and get mushy when I use them!


    • Jessica Gavin says

      I feel your pain Carole! The ringworm look is normal, it’s just the outer part of the seed that changes appearance once it’s cooked. How long do you let it boil and then simmer?


      • carole says

        I cook quinoa about ten- 15 mins…covered.


        • Jessica Gavin says

          Thanks for sharing Carole! I just posted my method for making quinoa, perhaps this will be helpful for you 🙂 https://www.jessicagavin.com/how-to-cook-quinoa/


  5. Holly Jackson says

    This is great!!! my husband had to change his diet and we are all supporting him. Today for lunch I had quinoa with pesto and basil and it was DEEEEE-LISH!!! I signed up for your newsletter and look forward to the recipes!!!!


    • Jessica Gavin says

      Whoo hoo! Thanks for your feedback Holly, we love quinoa 🙂


  6. Bob LaSala says

    Dear Jessica,

    After enjoying a delicious restaurant breakfast of quinoa, broccoli, onions, mushrooms, poached eggs and pork sausage, I wanted to try a similar breakfast with quinoa at home. Your recipe produces great results. I’ve become a believer! Thank you.


  7. J mcC says

    I’m battling a severe syiatic nerve injury and I need all the best food I can get I lost alot!!! Of weight and alot of muscle this is the best way to get the protein and nutrients I can thanks


What is Quinoa? The Health Benefits and Recipes (2024)


What is Quinoa? The Health Benefits and Recipes? ›

Quinoa is a good source of protein, providing 8 grams per cooked cup (185 grams) ( 4 ). Quinoa is often referred to as a complete protein. This is because it contains all nine of the essential amino acids that your body can't make on its own.

What is the health benefit of quinoa? ›

The fiber in quinoa can also help with cholesterol and blood sugar levels, lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease. Quinoa is rich in antioxidants, which can prevent damage to your heart and other organs. A diet high in antioxidants has been linked with a decreased risk of heart disease.

What is the healthiest way to eat quinoa? ›

Toss it in salads.

Quinoa is a complete source of protein and makes a great addition to a healthy salad. The combination of fiber, protein and healthy fats can turn a light side salad into a robust entrée.

Is quinoa healthy to eat everyday? ›

You can eat one-two cups of cooked quinoa in a day. You should avoid eating it if you experience stomachache, itchiness or vomiting after consuming it. A study by Harvard Public School of Health has reported that eating a bowl of quinoa daily is healthy and without any side effects.

What is quinoa made from? ›

Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) is the seed of the Chenopodium quinoa plant. Botanically speaking, it's not a grain. However, it's often called a “pseudograin” because it's similar in nutrients and eaten the same way as cereal grains ( 1 ). Quinoa was first grown for food 7,000 years ago in the Andes.

Does quinoa have any health side effects? ›

Quinoa is also low in sodium and high in calcium, potassium, and iron, making it a healthy and nutritious part of any diet. But for some people, eating quinoa may cause stomachaches, itchy skin, hives, and other common symptoms of food allergies.

Is it better to eat rice or quinoa? ›

Quinoa is rich in both fiber and protein, contains a much higher amount of other nutrients, and has a similar fluffy texture to the rice. A cup of quinoa contains twice more protein and about 5 g more fiber than white rice. Quinoa contains fewer calories and carbohydrates than white rice.

How many cups of quinoa should you eat a day? ›

Quinoa can be consumed anytime – at breakfast, lunch or dinner. But it is best to eat healthy food like quinoa before going to bed. It induces sleep, because it relaxes the muscles, due to its high magnesium and protein content. “One can eat one-two cups of cooked quinoa in a day.

Does quinoa burn belly fat? ›

That's because it's what is known as a complete grain, combining protein, fibre, B vitamins and complex carbohydrates all in one. Eating grains like quinoa will help to boost your metabolism, and burn belly fat faster, as will…

Is quinoa better for you than Oatmeal? ›

It is high in proteins and fiber and enriched with antioxidants that help in making the immune system stronger. You are advised to consume quinoa more in comparison to oats as quinoa will provide more health benefits in low calories.

What is the best time to eat quinoa? ›

Due to its high fibre-content, quinoa should be eaten during the day time, i.e., during breakfast or lunch. Our metabolism process tends to slow down as the day progresses. So, the body is unable to digest the high fibre food towards the end of the day.

What to eat with quinoa? ›

Quinoa's got the carbs covered, so you'll likely want to add some additional protein (eggs, lentils, beans, tofu, chicken), a fat (olive oil, nuts, butter, cheese), and, ideally, some kind of fruit or vegetable (broccoli, berries, squash, spinach).

Which type of quinoa is best? ›

If you've never eaten quinoa, Foroutan suggests trying white quinoa first because it has the mildest taste. Or you might look for a blend of red, black, and white quinoa to get as many antioxidants as possible; levels of these beneficial ingredients vary according to the color of the seeds (red has the highest levels).

Is quinoa good for bowel movements? ›

Adding fiber-rich foods like quinoa into your diet can help support your digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements and fueling beneficial bacteria in your gut ( 9 ). Plus, eating a high fiber diet can support a body weight that's healthy for you.

Why is quinoa so expensive? ›

While the cost of planting and sowing quinoa is not that expensive, the bulk of the cost for good quality quinoa goes into removing saponin, which is a toxic layer that protects the grain and gives it a very bitter taste.

How do you make quinoa taste good? ›

Cook in vegetable, beef, or chicken broth: Cooking quinoa in vegetable, beef, or chicken stock is probably the easiest way to flavor it. You can simply swap the water with your choice of stock and use the same amount to cook your quinoa. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can also use half water and half stock.

Is quinoa a carb or protein? ›

Quinoa is considered a carbohydrate because it contains many carbs per serving. Although it contains some protein, the macronutrient distribution is closer to what you find in other grains and starches.

Why do I feel so good after eating quinoa? ›

Because quinoa is high in fiber and protein, which are nutrients that help promote satiety, choosing quinoa over grains lower in fiber and protein, such as white rice, may help you feel more satisfied after meals. That said, quinoa is a good source of protein and can help you meet your daily protein needs.

Is quinoa actually a Superfood? ›

Nicknamed a “superfood,” quinoa is a complete source of protein, which means it contains all nine amino acids, and it's also a great source of fiber (it contains more than any other grain) and heart-healthy fats.

Is quinoa anti inflammatory? ›

With its mild nutty flavor, this edible seed packs a powerful nutrition punch, containing anywhere from 17-27 grams of fiber and 8 grams of protein per cup cooked. Quinoa is also considered to be a whole grain, gluten free and contains anti-inflammatory properties.


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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.